Dear guests, dear friends, dear interested people, esteemed Povo de Santo!
This year our house turned 18 years old. It is a great joy and still a small miracle that this tradition, which I and many of our "elders" were able to learn over a long time in Brazil, can form its paths, its forms and its concrete practice here. Orixás and Enities, dance, incorporation trance and ritual teach us to travel between visible and invisible worlds, they also teach us the dialog between cultures! How beautiful to find people from many countries, with many languages and many stories in our circle and how beautiful to see the Roda, the circle, the Corrente, the Xirê turning circles together in all its colorfulness. Welcome to this website and welcome to our public rituals.
Que Oxum nos abençoe, Iya Habiba
Giras at the Terreiro
Opened by Iya Habiba de Oxum, Alabê Cito behind the Rum:
Sunday, 16. march 25, 11:30hs
Rituelle Heiltage
9 - 12 January 2025, Stein AR
Giras in the cities:
Graz fortnightly Thursdays 19:45h
Zurich fortnightly Mondays, 19:30h
Bern fortnightly wednesdays, 19:30h
Berlin current info see link
Vienna fortnightly Tuesdays, 19:30h
Basel fortnightly Sundays, 18:45h