Dear guests and friends of Gira Zurich! Welcome! We look forward to celebrating giras together with our guests again and being able to immerse themselves in the space of the entities.
According to the dates below, we celebrate public Giras alternating between the Caboclos and Pretos Velhos lines. With their connection to nature, the Caboclos show us the many possible ways of walking and being. The loving power of the Pretos Velhos flows around our heart and shows us love, comfort and support.
Our number of guests is limited. A visit will be possible with registration and confirmation by email. Thank you.
Dates of the Giras until July 2025
November 2024: 11. and 25.*
Dezember 2024: 09.
January 2025: 06. and 20.
February 2025: 03. and 17.
March 2025: 03. and 17. and 31.
April 2025: 14. and 28.
May 2025: 12. and 26.
June 2025: 23.
July 2025: 07.
* with participation of our Mãe Iya Habiba de Oxum, Ialorixá, and Pai Cito de Xangô, Alabê
The Gira types are shown on the page in German
Time: 07:30 - 09:30 pm (07:00 - 07:15 pm welcoming and information)
Dress: For the Gira we recommend white or light comfortable clothing.
Contribution: per Gira 10,00 SFr
Coordination: Kekerês: Makota Konstanze and Gilvana
Place: GZ Schindlergut, Kronenstrasse 12, 8006 Zurich. Getting there >