Gira Basel

Dear visitors, friends, and Povo de Santo, welcome!

You are invited to our public giras, rituals where we connect with the blessed forces of nature as well as the love, integrity, and strength of the spiritual beings of Umbanda. It is a time of gathering and joy expressed through dance, rhythms and songs that touch the soul.

We appreciate your interest in visiting us. Please note that the number of guests is limited, so it is necessary to register and wait for confirmation by email. We thank you for your understanding.

Next Gira dates:

  |  February:  |  March:  |  April:  |  
  |      23 - Pretos Velhos  |      09 - Caboclos  |      20 - Caboclos  |  
  |         |      30 - Pretos Velhos  |      27 - Pretos Velhos  |  

Time: Sundays, from 19h00 to 20h30 (arrival at 18h30)
Location: Kleinbasel, Klybeckstrasse 70, 4057 Basel (Interphone “Kurs Mond”) - Arrival >
Contact and registration:
Coodination: Kekerê Ricardo and Ogã de Rum Hiltrud
Clothing: Comfortable light-colored or white clothing is recommended.
Contribution: 10 CHF/EUR



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